The Crossing Sunday the 23rd of June 2019

This travel adventure started somewhere between 1:30/3pm. I went to this event mainly to support my disabled friend who has down syndrome and he has been dancing for a few years now because his mother used to work with me as a carer, her name is Leanne. We were lucky enough to arrive at HOTA "Home of the arts" at 2:55PM on Sunday the 23rd of June which his performance to start in around about 5 minutes from this time. We had to high tail it to the box office to get the tickets and then had to proceed to the theatre of which they were holding the performance in. We were located in theatre number 2 for the time being i will skip forward a little bit as i am waiting on details to come though from the carer who was with me on the day her name was Karen. At the beginning of the performance there was a short video called the battle which is the name of the previous dance performance that Kayah Guenther had done. After this was when the Crossing begins i confirmed from his mother L...