Aspects of Living with a Disability - PART ONE - Toileting & Personal Care
In this post i'm going to be talking about the things that impact disabled people when travelling, rather than travel itself. Part two will be posted as a separate blog post, as it will discuss another topic that can affect people with disabilities while travelling, and this topic is carers. This post will cover the topics of facilities and accessibility. Accessibility, for me personally, is probably the second biggest thing I consider when organising and going on a holiday. An able-bodied person may ask, why does this need to be considered? The answer, plain and simple, is because the smallest things, can majorly impact the quality of a holiday, for someone in a wheelchair. Toilets & Personal Care When you have a physical disability, you become accustomed to the idea that there is little personal privacy when it comes to personal care. But it may be confronting for the person having to assist you with this task, especially if it's the first time they are doing it w...