Aspects of living with a disability part 22 - Do I have a disability or do i only limit to myself
As I said in one of my previous blogs, you are usually only a limit to yourself when It comes to your disability. Now I like to look at that because I always try to strive and get the best out of my time, but recently I have dealt with a considerable amount of mental health, which could lead to things that I don't like. What, you might ask? Well, it could be somethig\as simple as wetting my pants. Now at the moment, this happens way too much because I can't go to the toilet in public, so this usually means I have to come home to facilitate that, and if that is not doable, where does it end up? There is only one place it can. Do I get upset by this? Yes, I do, but I try to look at my experience positively at the end of the day. What do I mean by this? Well, it then allows me to educate people younger than myself on how to cope with different situations, and although I do like, teaching more youthful people, it is always better when I can physically demonstrate and my carers can...