Cool Cat Workshop the 28th of July 2018

Julia and I had a great time at the Cool Cat Workshop what did we learn at the Cool Cat Workshop you ask? Well some of what we learnt at the is as follows below:

It’s All About The Cat

Do you want to know more about cats? Are you a cat lover? Or are you an organisation or council that wishes cat owners knew more about their feline friends?
Then It’s All About The Cat could be the workshop for you.


So, what can you expect in ‘It’s All About The Cat‘ Workshop?

Well, in our cat workshop, we’ll be talking about our feline friends. Just what makes them cat-like. From their unique eyes and superb hearing to the function of whiskers and just how and why they pounce! Feline body language is fascinating and we’ll share how you can understand your cat’s postures and gestures.

We’ll cover what’s normal feline behaviour and how to solve any behavioural issues you may be having; Issues such as toileting, fear and anxiety, scratching furniture and attacking you! The discussion will be tailor-made for the cat workshop attendees.

Few cat owners want to see their cat hunt, so we’ll be giving you tips about how to prevent this behaviour. And we’ll also discuss suggestions for keeping your cat happy at home.

It’s All About The Cat is a fun-filled practical learning workshop for cat lovers.

The information I provided you with above was found on Dr. Jo's website
Dr. Jo's Twitter Page link:

There were also a variety of different handouts on the day of the workshop of which I was able to collect and keep. I also wanted to purchase her books at the workshop but couldn't due to the fact that she didn't have any with her at the time of the workshop anyways after a short chat with Dr. Jo I discovered that the majority of her books are Ebooks of which can be found here:

Stephanie :)


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