International Coffee Day 01-10-2022

 Personally, I didn't celebrate International Coffee Day this year because I didn't realize it was an actual thing until half of the day was over. Believe me, if I had known, I would have had some extra coffee to celebrate! 

Recently, because of the medication I have been on by my psychiatrist, I get tired in the middle of the day. When I drink coffee, I become very happy and perky. But the thing is, I need to find these things even when I don't have coffee. I find it really hard to find the motivation to do things without having coffee. 

What is coffee to me? Well, firstly, it is one of my favourite beverages. Two, as I have explained before, it makes me very happy. I use it to be social (too often in one week). I would spend about $42 a week on takeaway coffee. 

One day I hope to get a coffee machine to practice my barista skills. I usually use the So Good Barista Almond milk for my coffee at the moment. I am an artist, so I can't say that I have done any coffee-inspired artwork, but this might be something I could look into in the future.

And if you are wondering what my go-to coffee is,... I am an iced latte kind of girl; one sugar, please! 

And a little insight on some of the best coffee spots on the southern Gold Coast/Northern NSW, you'll never be disappointed at Nook Espresso, Cubby Bakehouse and Zarraffas! Some other partially coffee-orientated places you might like to visit are Oh my Waffle and Guilty Cafe. 

On that note, I need to get decaf with hot chocolate after having three today!

Happy International Coffee Day! 

Yours truly,

Your Coffee Lover


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